Not A Newsletter

We don't have anything against newsletters...we subscribe to several and actually have one on LinkedIn.
However, in all honesty, as much as we like the ones we receive, who has time to read each one?
So, welcome to our '
Not A Newsletter' page.  Here we will share little tidbits we hope you find worthwhile.

#4 The Pain Of Discipline Or The Pain Of Regret

I can’t think of a better aspect of commercial construction that exemplifies the truth in the wise, old saying, “In Achieving Any Goal, There Is The Pain Of Discipline Or The Pain Of Regret.” than estimating.

I can’t think of a better aspect of commercial construction that exemplifies the need for effective data management than estimating.

A close second to both of the above would be Business Development.

Just as the opportunity to secure a contract can rest of how well one manages their pricing data, a similar parallel can be said for gaining an opportunity to submit a proposal can rest on how well one manages their prospect and client data.

Both disciplines have quantifiable goals and outcomes. Both require discipline in data management and well-defined processes.

The choice of pain is yours. 


#3  Qualification Goes Both Ways

When we set up a CRM, the first stage of an ‘Opportunity’ is ‘Qualification’ and we call that a two-way street. 
Because 90% of the
CRM implementations we do have Business Development as the foundation, we know the client is often working on becoming a qualified (approved) vendor.  However, at the same time, they are/should be qualifying the prospect as a potential client and  qualifying the opportunity as well.

Will there be bonding?  Who are we up against?  Is the location in our profitability boundary?  If we win, what will that do to our schedule?  What are the people like, so far, with the prospect?  Will we enjoy working with them?  How 'crowded' is the 'Invited List'?
The goal is not to get someone to accept your proposal, that’s easy.  The goal is to make sure you are qualifying the prospect, the opportunity and recording the key elements of each for the future.  Business Development's goal is new business...not estimating practice.


#2 Likability

One of the things we constantly preach/teach is what we call
'Breeding Familiarity'. What we mean by that is we are big believers in the old saying, "If all things are equal, people prefer to do business with people they like. If all things are not equal, they still prefer to do business with people they like."  So, be someone people like. 

That means engage your prospects, clients, colleagues, etc. as best you can.  Learn their hobbies, interests and be prepared to incorporate a bit of that into your engagement with them.  Yes, this is a skill and you definitely want to stop short of turning into
Eddie Haskell.

There is a lot of room on the spectrum between being strictly about business and being known as an apple polisher.   Here's a quick test and possible way to move forward.  If your mobile phone's outgoing message is the 'robotic/built-in' reply telling the caller they have reached - and the 'voice' recites your number - change that immediately to your voice! 

Yes, it is a little step but it is a start.  (We have tons of other techniques!)


#1 Welcome to 'Not A Newsletter

I constantly tell our clients, if there is one thing Twitter has taught the world have 280 characters to capture my attention.  So, here we will probably go over 280 characters but still offer 'condensed' content from a larger source.  (Mainly, our mainstay offering,
Building New Business 2.0')

We hope you appreciate the brevity but also gain a few ideas or techniques that can help you in your Building New Business efforts.  Finally, if you have a question you would like answered, go to our contact page and fire away!  We will not email or call you...unless you ask.  I promise!

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